Anne Rice’s Interview with the Vampire – Season 1 Review

Now, for those that do not have AMC+, there will be SPOILERS ahead for the first season of the televised adaptation of Anne Rice’s Interview with the Vampire.

There, now that you’ve been sufficiently warned, let’s get into it. Of course, I will be making comparisons to the 1994 film of the same name I only recently watched, but you’ll have to wait for me to actually read the book before I can compare the show to its source material. Regardless, it does seem that both critics and fans of the novels were also big fans of this series. I, myself, was also quite intrigued with this series and frankly I’m bummed that I now have to wait god knows how long for the second season (already renewed, by the way). Oh well, let’s talk about what went down.

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Looking – The Series & Movie

Ever since watching Jonathan Groff in Glee, he’s always been on my radar, but I had never really given any of his other stand-out projects a chance. Now, I don’t know that I will ever watch Hamilton or Frozen (just not a fan of musicals or kids movies), but I did want to check out his critically acclaimed show, Looking, while I still had the chance. Unfortunately, despite it’s great reviews, the viewership was low enough that it got cancelled after two seasons, although HBO was gracious enough to let them tie up their story with a movie. So I watched it all!

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