9-1-1 Lone Star – Season 3 Review

Not sure why, but this year I wasn’t feeling the weekly recap for 9-1-1 Lone Star. Maybe that’s because I wasn’t watching nearly as many network dramas. Regardless, I kind of wish that I had because this season got a longer episode order (18) and a lot of stuff went down! I’ll try my best to cover it, an there will likely be spoilers, so you’ve been warned.

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Dr. Death Miniseries Review

Back a few months ago I saw a commercial for this miniseries, Dr. Death and knew at some point I was going to get Peacock to watch it. Well, that time has come and it was well worth a month of my life subscribing to NBC’s streaming service. The cast alone was enough to sell it for me, and of course the subject matter was intriguing, but even with just the first episode I was hooked!

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