Fan Art Friday: The Last Shadow Puppets

At this point I feel like it should be no surprise that the final drawing I managed to crank out for 2021 is of The Last Shadow Puppets. Somehow this supergroup slipped under my radar until this year but I’m so glad I was able to find out about them – better late than never! So here’s my final drawing featuring lyrics from their songs “Pattern,” “Aviation,” and “Bad Habits.” Enjoy!

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Fan Art Friday: Alex Turner

Sure, we can use the word obsessed right now. I think that’s fair. But I can’t help it! After listening to The Last Shadow Puppets and Arctic Monkeys near constantly for the last six months or so, what can you expect?! So anyways, since I just reviewed Arctic Monkeys album, AM, pretty recently, here is a drawing of Alex Turner from that time. So suave!

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Fan Art Friday: Arctic Monkeys

Well, in this case, I suppose it’s only one member of Arctic Monkeys, but still. I’ve got a bunch of scrap pieces of mat board lying around my house, so I decided to make use of them with little miniature drawings. Since I’ve been wading through Arctic Monkeys’ discography, I thought it was only appropriate to show my love of their tunes with a little drawing. Expect some bigger pieces and ones of the whole band in the future, but for now, enjoy this multi-colored miniature of Alex Turner!

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