TV Review: Big Little Lies, Season 2

No offense, but I hope this is the last season of Big Little Lies we get. It was supposed to be a limited series, so this second one seems sort of forced, and not much really happens throughout the seven episodes. I feel that they ended it in a way where it can be done forever, and based on the lack of awards it’s won this awards season, it could be actually be done.

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American Horror Story: 1984 Rundown

Well, five episodes in, and I am unable to see where American Horror Story: 1984 can go now.  Seriously, this last episode basically has an end for all our main characters.  That doesn’t mean I haven’t enjoyed it! In fact, its campiness and gore is everything I like about the horror genre. So with that, here’s the lowdown on what’s happened at Camp Redwood.

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TV Rewind: Animal Kingdom, Seasons 1 & 2

So now that I’ve finally gotten into the swing of TNT’s drama, Animal Kingdom, based off of the Australian film of the same name, I figured I’m safe to finally write about it! I should also note that I’m doing the same thing I did with Gotham, in that I am watching the older seasons while also watching the newest episodes…not confusing at all.

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Netflix Movie Review: Secret Obsession

I should have known that with a name like Secret Obsession that this new Netflix film was going to be rough…like Lifetime level rough. And it was! The fact that it was also starring basically dormant actress, Brenda Song (of Disney fame), should have also tipped me off. My sister was dying to see it, so I gave it the benefit of the doubt. It’s an hour and a half I’ll never get back, but sadly, I have seen worse.

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Book Review: Hidden Bodies by Caroline Kepnes

Over the weekend, I finally finished Hidden Bodies, the sequel to You, by Caroline Kepnes. I’d been putting off this book for a while mainly because I read the book very shortly after finishing the television series after it originally aired on Lifetime. I just felt like I wanted to take a breather before jumping back into the world of Joe. Based on how season one of the show ended verses how the book ended, I do wonder if the second season will follow Hidden Bodies plot at all.

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