Long Movie Weekend

You know, for getting another long weekend for the end of the year, I didn’t really out-do myself. Kind of disappointing, but I’m sure with the Sundance Film Festival hitting at the end of the month, I’ll more than make up for it.

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Holiday Weekend Movie Review

For some reason (COVID, really), all the good movies are being released within this very short one month window, so I’m trying my hardest to see as many as I can. I’ve been excited about some of these for quite some time, so it was a great week for me if I’m being honest. Check out what made the cut!

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New Movie Weekend

Before you all get your panties in a bunch, I will be seeing Spider-Man: No Way Home in the next couple of days. It just didn’t make the cut this weekend. But, the films that did make the cut were all pretty dang good, and two of them were supporting independent film!

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Fan Art Friday: Jennifer Lawrence

Alright, technically it’s not Friday, but it’s still fine for me to post some deserving fan art! I would like to point out though that this is some throwback fan art, as I’m currently in the middle of a new drawing you’ll have to wait and see next week. With Don’t Look Up in select theaters and hitting Netflix next week, I figured it was a great time to welcome Jennifer Lawrence back into the fold of acting after she took some time off the last couple of years. I can’t wait to see this movie, and I especially can’t wait to see Lawrence on screen again. Who knows, maybe soon she’ll get a new drawing, too!

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Weekend Movie Review

It was a pretty average viewing this weekend, but fear not! It’s the calm before the holiday weekend storm, so I more than plan to make up for it in my next recap. Anyways, here’s a high level look at what I managed to watch this weekend.

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Fan Art Friday: Vanessa Kirby

I’m sure most of the world knows Vanessa Kirby from The Crown, but given that I try to avoid things related to the royals, she came into my orbit with last year’s critically acclaimed and Oscar nominated film Pieces of a Woman. She even got nominated! During this second year of the pandemic, I got the chance to catch her in an eerie drama called Italian Studies during the Tribeca Film Festival. Everyone else will have to wait until January to feast your eyes on it. I’d say with those performances in the bag she’s got a bright and magnetic future ahead of her. I look forward to what she puts out next!

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