Virginia Film Fest & Netflix’s Rebecca

The film festival magic continues, but this time with an entirely new one! Similar excellent options, although sadly some were relegated strictly to drive-in theaters. Obviously, since I do not live there I cannot attend. Sad. No worry though, because I did get to catch a film I’d had my eye one since the start of the year!

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Weekend Movie Round-up

Ah, after last week’s unusual mediocrity, I have got my film viewings back up to snuff. On the lower end, but considering I did stuff with some people (say what??), the fact that I managed to squeeze these all in is quite the feat.

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The Devil All the Time Movie Review

Towards the start of quarantine, I went out of my way to hunt down Donald Ray Pollock’s gothic hillbilly novel, The Devil All the Time, only after learning that it was being adapted into a feature film for Netflix. I also saw the cast list, which locked in my need to read this novel ASAP. And I did! If you follow my blog at all, you probably read (or at least glanced) at my review for the novel. I really enjoyed it! Not only did it take place in my home state, but it also was graphic and violent. There was such an intricate and desolate web woven between all of these characters that really sucked me in.

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So-So Movie Weekend

Two flops and two wins made it into this weekend. All were extremely random in terms of story line and genre, but I’ve got an eclectic taste, so nothing ever seems that out of the ordinary for me. However, this doesn’t mean that everything I pick is going to land, and I think this weekend I was hindered by not watching trailers! Yes, they tend to give everything away now, but I think it would have deterred me from watching in a couple of cases. Anyways, here we go.

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Fandoms, Interviews, and Zoom Panels During Quarantine

Look, COVID-19 has prevented a lot of cool things from taking place this year, and I imagine it will continue to steam-roll the rest of 2020. This makes me really sad, as I’ve had to miss out on countless concerts and a handful of semi-local conventions. I look forward to these types of events because, if it’s not obvious, I love all things famous! And what better way to hear from, gaze at from afar, or straight up meet in person than at a convention?!

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Final Season – 13 Reasons Why

All things considered, I watched the final season of 13 Reasons Why pretty quick in the world of binge-watching! When I first heard the air date of the last batch of episodes, I thought, “man, that was a quick turnaround.” But then I remembered that I waited an awful long time to watch the third installment. At least all of the events were more fresh in my head.

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Fan Art Friday: Hannibal

In case it’s not incredibly obvious by now, I am as obsessed with Hannibal as Hannibal is with Will Graham. So naturally, I’ve done another piece, but this time they’re both in it! Most of it is pen, but the blood and antlers are painted (acrylic and watercolor, respectively). Truthfully, I am VERY pleased with how this turned out. I forgot how fun it is to paint blood, too!

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