9-1-1 Lone Star – Final Season Review

I’m both surprised and sad that 9-1-1 Lone Star lasted five seasons. With its predecessor still rolling, I figured the audience was there for this particular Rob Lowe led series. I guess I was wrong. At least the writers for this show knew this was the final push, though they were given less episodes to tie it all together.

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9-1-1 Lone Star – Season 3 Review

Not sure why, but this year I wasn’t feeling the weekly recap for 9-1-1 Lone Star. Maybe that’s because I wasn’t watching nearly as many network dramas. Regardless, I kind of wish that I had because this season got a longer episode order (18) and a lot of stuff went down! I’ll try my best to cover it, an there will likely be spoilers, so you’ve been warned.

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New Network Comedies Worth Your Time

I know you are all used to me reviewing shows that I’ve streamed or some questionable network dramas, but there are plenty of comedies in my life, too! I just don’t typically write about them. I was especially hesitant to since Brooklyn Nine-Nine and Superstore got kicked off the air last year. I’d simply lost hope for a good new comedy to come around. Somehow, the cable gods proved me wrong. Here are the few comedies I’m watching now that you should give a chance.

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Network Television is Back!

After a very brief winter hiatus, a couple network shows I watch have made their way back on the air! I’m really talking about two questionable dramas, Prodigal Son and Big Sky. After some fun turns, I have faith that Prodigal Son is going to be decently entertaining moving forward even if they aren’t going to drop the case of the week format. Big Sky is still leaving me feeling unsatisfied, but I recently got my hands on the book the show is based off of, The Highway, so at least I’ll have fun comparing the two.

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