Weekend Movie Review

This is probably going to end up as the lightest month of movie-watching I’ve experienced in at least the last three years if not longer. I tried to make up for it this weekend, but fun trips cut it short this month. Here’s what’s rounding out September.

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Holiday Weekend Movie Review

For some reason (COVID, really), all the good movies are being released within this very short one month window, so I’m trying my hardest to see as many as I can. I’ve been excited about some of these for quite some time, so it was a great week for me if I’m being honest. Check out what made the cut!

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Weekend Movie Review

I feel like I’m making up for lost time here. September didn’t have me seeing nearly as many movies as I would have liked. Or perhaps, there is just so much good stuff coming out this month! A lot of them actually should have came out last year, but the pandemic had other plans. I mean, the pandemic still has other plans, but luckily for me and other film lovers, the big studios are forging ahead! Before I get to all of that though, let’s get a recap of what I actually watched this weekend.

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Army of the Dead Movie Review

Sadly, I was only able to get one film in this weekend. I mean, in exchange for less films I did get to see some friends for the first time in over a year and some change, so I’ll take a slow weekend for that. However, I don’t plan on that being the new norm! It wasn’t in the before times, so there’s no need for it to be now.

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