9-1-1 Lone Star and Prodigal Son Review

Yay to season premieres! The start of this new year is starting to feel just a bit more normal with the premieres of shows I would typically watch at this time. It is strange though, especially given that cases are worse than ever. I suppose a vaccine helps, and for that I am thankful. Anyways, the train is still rolling on Prodigal Son, but this week also marked the return of 9-1-1 Lone Star.

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Prodigal Son Winter Premiere Recap

Before I get into what happened on Monday night’s winter premiere episode of Prodigal Son, let’s step briefly back in time and remember where we left off. First, the FBI is now involved in the Junkyard Killer case, Martin is in solitary confinement, Jessica is trying to find the victim related to the charm bracelet, and oh yeah, Malcolm gets kidnapped by the Junkyard Killer, aka John Watkins.

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