Book Review: Whisper Network by Chandler Baker

Truthfully, this book has been on my radar for quite some time. What can I say, Reese’s Book Club has good taste! Most of the time when I think to go check out Whisper Network, someone’s already gotten to it, but my luck turned around during my last trip to the library. This book by Chandler Baker was not totally what I was expecting, but the end result was definitely satisfying enough.

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Book Review: The Guest List by Lucy Foley

What a multi-faceted web this mystery/thriller was?! Turns out Reese Witherspoon knows a thing or two about suspense novels. In Lucy Foley’s The Guest List, a group of people arrive at a very small Irish island in the middle of nowhere for, you guessed it, a wedding. Now of course there are rumors that this abandoned island is haunted, but most of the wedding party is just being haunted by their past. However, the past is both sad and violent

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