White Reaper – Asking for a Ride, Album Review

Ohhhh, I’m pretty excited! The last time White Reaper put out a new album it was pre-pandemic and I also missed seeing them open for The Killers at a free show for MLB’s All-Star Weekend. Beyond bummed. But, it’s a new year and the band have just released their fourth full-length album, Asking for a Ride. And, oh yeah, I get to see them twice this year!

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New Music – Singles Edition!

I feel like it’s been too long since I reviewed new music, but I haven’t really been in the mood to listen to new albums (new to me anyways) all the way through at the moment. Lucky for me, some great bands have released new songs and it’s definitely got me excited for their upcoming albums (and hopefully, tours!).

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Bad Omens – The Death of Peace of Mind, Album Review

Since I was going to be seeing Bad Omens over this past weekend, I figured I should give their latest album, The Death of Peace of Mind a full run-through. I knew a couple of older singles thanks to my sister, but in looking at the set lists from other shows on the tour, this new album was going to be featured heavily.

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