Dead to Me – Final Season Review

It feels like a lifetime has passed since the second season of Dead to Me came out on Netflix. To be fair a pandemic and Christina Applegate’s MS diagnosis surely put a hindrance on things. Although, it sounds like everyone besides Applegate was fine not finishing the series out, but she insisted the story needed an ending.

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9-1-1 Lone Star – Season 3 Review

Not sure why, but this year I wasn’t feeling the weekly recap for 9-1-1 Lone Star. Maybe that’s because I wasn’t watching nearly as many network dramas. Regardless, I kind of wish that I had because this season got a longer episode order (18) and a lot of stuff went down! I’ll try my best to cover it, an there will likely be spoilers, so you’ve been warned.

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9-1-1 Lone Star Season 2 Finale

What a strange 2020-2021 season it’s been for network television. Truthfully, this might have been the exact same time 911 Lone Star ended last year, but the pandemic has made time seem both impossibly fast and agonizingly slow. Regardless, I love where the show went this season and I’m glad to see that it got picked up for a third season next year! Anyway, let’s get into the action of last night’s finale episode.

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The Alienist: Angel of Darkness Season Finale

Welp, the final two episodes of The Alienist: Angel of Darkness aired, and I’ve come away from it wholeheartedly disappointed. It honestly seemed like such a mess that I’m surprised anyone actually liked it. I know that I kept trying to trick myself this past month into thinking that it was still good despite the GLARING differences from the book, but I will tolerate it no longer. And that’s all because of the trash fire that was the final two episodes.

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