Valentine’s Day Movie Review…and Murder!

Even with starting off the weekend with Drive My Car‘s three hour saga, I was still able to squeeze in a ton of other movies! And to counter-balance all the rom-coms this weekend provided, there was plenty of murders to go around.

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Book Review: The Power of the Dog by Thomas Savage

I was pleased to get my hands on Thomas Savage’s novel, The Power of the Dog, so soon after watching the Jane Campion and Netflix adaptation of it. Also pleasing was how closely the adaptation followed the events of the novel!

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Hulu Movie Review

Yes, voting for the Independent Spirit Awards starts this weekend, and no, I still haven’t watched Blue Bayou or Drive My Car. I just haven’t managed to be in the right mindset for a serious drama and a three hour saga (regardless of how well it’s been reviewed). Lately, I’ve been trying to go for quantity, not necessarily quality, but I do plan to squeeze the two in before this weekend rolls around. Instead, I watched a bunch of stuff on Hulu!

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