Golden Globes 2024

After a terrible year for actors and writers, the studios finally pulled their heads out of their asses just in time for awards season! And though the Golden Globes are back for only the second year after trying to right their wrongs, I thought the evening was a perfectly fine one.

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Best TV Shows of 2023

I don’t know if this is hard to believe or not, but I spent even more time in front of my television watching shows this year – 781 episodes from 75 different series to be exact. A lot of them were great, so you’re getting a top fifteen!

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Awards Season – Golden Globes 2023

It’s a new year and the Golden Globes are back! That’s right, after a year off following the HFPA’s promise to overhaul their 100 percent white organization, they’re back. Jerrod Carmichael is who they tapped to host, and he’s no fool, declaring the reason he got hired was because “he’s black.” Similar to Carmichael, I also assume the HFPA hasn’t really changed all that much, but evidently it was enough for all the big names in Hollywood to show up.

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