The Black Keys – Ohio Players, Album Review

Even though The Black Keys are one of Ohio’s most celebrated bands, I’ve never really given a lot of their work much attention. The fact that I’m still thinking about Let’s Rock when they’ve released three albums since then means I don’t really keep up. But, in searching the internet for 2024 musical releases, I was pretty pleased to see their newest work was to be titled Ohio Players and knew I would be checking it out.

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Concert Review: The Black Keys

Despite living in Ohio my whole life, and only a very short drive away from The Black Keys’ hometown of Akron, I’ve never actually seen these guys live before! I had the opportunity back eight years ago at Bunbury Music Festival down in Cincinnati, but just as they were due to play there was quite a bit of thunder and lightening. I wasn’t really prepared to die for The Black Keys that night.

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