The Devil All the Time Movie Review

Towards the start of quarantine, I went out of my way to hunt down Donald Ray Pollock’s gothic hillbilly novel, The Devil All the Time, only after learning that it was being adapted into a feature film for Netflix. I also saw the cast list, which locked in my need to read this novel ASAP. And I did! If you follow my blog at all, you probably read (or at least glanced) at my review for the novel. I really enjoyed it! Not only did it take place in my home state, but it also was graphic and violent. There was such an intricate and desolate web woven between all of these characters that really sucked me in.

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The Devil All the Time by Donald Ray Pollock

In anticipation of the Netflix release of the film of the same name sometime later this year, I decided to read the novel it’s based off of, The Devil All the Time. As far as first novels go, this one is pretty darn enticing. I breezed through this book not because it was an easy read, but because I couldn’t stop! It had me from the start, and with each graphic chapter I just found myself at the end way sooner than I imagined.

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