Best TV Shows of 2023

I don’t know if this is hard to believe or not, but I spent even more time in front of my television watching shows this year – 781 episodes from 75 different series to be exact. A lot of them were great, so you’re getting a top fifteen!

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The Oher Two – Final Season Review

Gotta say, I wasn’t expecting the latest season of The Other Two to be it’s final season. It seemed like it finally found a larger audience with its second season move to HBO Max, and I don’t know that anyone else involved was expecting the end either. Word on the gossip street was that the series creators and writers created a pretty toxic work environment that involved verbal abuse and possibly harassment. Who knows? What I do know is that this final season was just as meta and hilarious as the others.

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The Other Two – Season 2

Oh my gosh! I definitely never thought I’d ever see the second season of this incredible comedy. Back in January of 2019, the first season of The Other Two premiered on Comedy Central, and then after it aired and I laughed a bunch, I never heard anything about it. When it finally got picked up for a second season, the well of information ran dry again, but then a second season finally saw the light of day later last year.

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