The Boys – Season 2, Episode 4

Alright, just starting this off by saying there will be SPOILERS about the fourth episode of The Boys‘ second season. There. You’ve been warned. I also wanted to let you all know that you technically don’t have to wait until Friday to watch the new episodes! Both this week and last, these gems were available on Thursday night, and not at midnight – several hours beforehand! So be impatient like me and get the up and up on everyone else.

Enough gloating, let’s get into it. This week we see Kimiko reeling from the death of her brother at Stormfront’s hands (literally), and she thinks she’s going to get her revenge at a protest before Frenchie stops her. Frenchie’s also been a little messed up during this time, too. High as a kite and also trying to kiss Kimiko. He’s lucky she didn’t rip his head off like that guy in the party store last week. Elsewhere with the Boys, Butcher decides to leave them all in Mother’s Milk’s hands because Mallory has given him Becca’s location. Their reunion was surprisingly successful and very sweet, but you almost knew it was going to turn sour, right? Yes, she wants to escape but she knew Butcher would ditch Ryan eventually. Not only is he the spawn of Homelander, he’s a supe himself, so Butcher will always hold some disdain towards him. Hopefully they manage to fully reconcile later in the season.

Since Butcher is gone, he tasked Mother’s Milk with going to find an old supe from the 70’s by the name of Liberty. But before he takes Hughie to get that done, he meets up with a very distraught Annie, who is constantly scared it’s going to be her last day on earth due to Homelander’s instability. Hughie manages to convice MM to let Annie tag along, and she reluctantly doesn’t use her Starlight powers the entire trip. There was a great Billy Joel sing-along moment, and a sweet scene between MM and Annie, but the real sparks flew again between her and Hughie at the motel. The following morning they go to the residence that Butcher provided and are able to get some backstory on Liberty. She was a murderer just like we’ve seen other supes be, but according to her, Liberty and Stormfront are the same person! WHAT?!?!?!?!?! I cannot wait to see what comes of that.

On the Seven side of things, Homelander cans A-Train from the team, he outs Queen Meave (I’m so nervous for Elena!), threatens Starlight, and he meets back up with Madelyn Stillwell. Sort of. It’s a shape-shifting supe pretending to be her and playing out some seriously sick and twisted fantasies. The ending had me both grimacing and cracking up simultaneously. Homelander also has some words with Stormfront, who manages to not get laser-beamed into pieces. She told him that he has fans, but she has soldiers, so that’s why she’s becoming the face of the Seven. Homelander leaves her alone for the time being, but I’m sure there will be a huge fight scene between the two of them at some point. Wouldn’t it be cool if Homelander stopped her from doing something awful? Wait and see I suppose. Elsewhere, Black Noir manages to track down Butcher, but I don’t think we’ll see anything with that until next week, and the Deep picks out a wife. Weird. All for helping his image I guess.

Anyways, this was a solid episode that didn’t rely too heavily on violence, although you do get to see a man’s face caved in (a dark lit scene, but still gross). I love the violence and the gore, don’t get me wrong, but it’s nice to see everyone have some human moments. Even Homelander…sort of. I really feel for Butcher and am sure he will be filled with lots of conflict throughout the rest of the season, but we got to deep dive into Mother’s Milk’s life and I loved every second of it. Put him in more scenes! We’ve just touched on the tip of the iceberg with Stormfront, so I’m expecting a lot to go down with her in the back half of the season. And finally, I’d love to see the Deep back in the Seven. Until next week!