The Boys Season 4

After dragging my feet for so long on the first season of Gen V, after finishing it, I couldn’t wait to get into the latest season of The Boys. Still took me two weeks to get through, but I was ready and excited for it. What a season!

Admittedly, I didn’t remember much of where the prior season left off because it aired freaking two years ago. But it was this: Homelander, a true psycho, now has Ryan by his side, Queen Meave and Noir are dead, Annie has left the Seven, and The Boys learn that Vice President Victoria Neuman is a head-popping supe. Oh year, Butcher has also taken so much temp-V that he’s got hella tumors growing in his body. This show always manages to both stick the landing and give us some insane cliffhangers and I love them for it.

In this new season, Butcher is deemed a liability, and given the fact that he’s dying, he kind of doesn’t give a shit. More-so than he already didn’t before. That means MM is taking the lead, but almost nothing seems to go to plan this entire season. Obviously, the main goal has always been to take down Homelander, but they’ve added Neuman to the top of the list, as well. Given that Homelander is an attention-seeking sociopath, he’s grown tired of the humans, and specifically with the ones aiming to take him down. This season he enlists the help of the smartest supe out there, Sister Sage.

I had hope that she would end up deceiving Homelander in the end, but prepare to be disappointed. For this season, at least. I still have a little faith that she can turn it around in the final season. She helps cause a lot of discourse that seem to be so eerily similar to all of the insanity that has been going on since Joe Biden took office. Heck, there’s even an insurrection and assassination attempt set up to take place after the election. Where have I heard this before? Though I wasn’t keeping up or looking for spoilers while this season was airing, I did see a ton of posts about how all those political nut-jobs were finally made aware of the fact that this show is hardcore making fun of them. I love that.

Literally so much goes on in these eight episodes that I couldn’t possibly put it all down into words, but know that there are allegiances swapped, plenty of blood and guts, a shapeshifter supe, and A LOT of sexual stuff, so it’s naturally The Boys’ strongest season, in my opinion. There was also plenty of personal tragedy that got baked into the season. Some of it felt rushed at times, but I love how this show can take a step back from the insanity and really hit you hard with reality. Hughie, especially went through it this season, though Frenchie, Annie, and Kimiko were close seconds.

The last few minutes of the finale were so fast and devastating. I came away with so many questions that I am dying to get the answers to. I know it will all come in the final season, but I am curious if we’ll get any answers from the second season of Gen V in the meantime. Our two bad guys were pivotal in those final minutes. I’m hoping and praying I don’t have to wait another two years for the answers, and I’d rather hold out for the show before turning to the comics it’s based on. Aside from the stellar season, I also love when Eric Kripke gets his Supernatural family involved. For the love of god – watch this show already! (You know, unless you’re a hillbilly Republican).