This Love Doesn’t Have Longbeans

All other future BLs out there take note, this is how you do a follow up series! And for a secondary couple, no less!

In This Love Doesn’t Have Longbeans, Sailub and Pon get their chance fully in the spotlight this time around. Sadly, this series was shorter than Pit Babe, but it was a more simplified story and I think they covered it all perfectly. These two prove once again that they have terrific chemistry and that they are able to lead a series with it!

Saliub plays non nonsense Chef Oab at a famous Thai basil stir-fry restaurant. Since the love of his life left him over a year ago, Oab has grown tired of cooking for people and wants to sell off his restaurant. But he can’t just hand over his precious reputation to just any old chef to ruin, so instead he decides to hold a competition to determine the new owner. A slight hiccup in this plan exists in the form of a mole that is planted in the competition to win so that wealthy businessman, Metas, can take that property and transform it into condos. Desperate for money after a less than successful modeling career, Plawan takes Metas up on his offer even after warnings from his best friend, JJ.

Once the competition starts, it’s clear that Plawan has almost no business being in a kitchen. Even though Chef Oab seems to hate him, you can tell that he’s also intrigued by him. Since Plawan is so affable, it’s easy for him to make friends with the other competitors. There are some cutthroat moments, but all of the competitors really want to see each other do well. In my opinion, that is the true spirit of competition, so I was glad to see that here. Over time, it’s clear that Chef Oab’s fascination with Plawan may in fact be a crush. One that Plawan is distraught to find out he reciprocates.

To try and smooth over the mess, JJ tries to reason with Metas, who thinks that throwing money at something solves its’ problems. He tries this again and again after injuring his knee. He hires JJ to be his personal physical therapist, finding himself smitten with JJ, but JJ can’t stand how selfish Metas is. Their relationship is a bit less smooth, but gosh if they weren’t ridiculously adorable by the final episode. I would have liked to have seen their story progress a littler quicker, but I have faith that they will get another story to show off their chemistry in the future.

Overall, this series was juicy and entertaining. I wish it could have been a little more risky in its romantic and sexual scenes, but all in all I was pleased with the end results. I know another season of Pit Babe is in the works, but I hope Sailub and Pon get more series in the near future. They deserve it!

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