TV Binge Review: This Is Us

Just like in the fall, I did the same thing this spring: I let all remaining episodes of This is Us pile up on my DVR because I was too conflicted to watch them. I just know sadness awaits, and I just feel like I’m never ready for that on a weekly basis.

After finding out their uncle Nicky is still alive, they pay him a visit. One that is exceptionally awkward and ends up leading Kevin back to his alcoholism. Beth and Randall continue to have an extreme strain on their relationship, partly due to Randall getting elected councilman, but Beth also figures out that she wants to teach ballet. Kate and Toby have their own issues with their high-risk pregnancy. Everything culminates in the last three episodes, where you flash forward to the infamous “her” which ends up being a dying Rebecca. You also get a glimpse at everyone else: Beth and Randall worked it out, Kate and Toby might not be together anymore, baby Jack lives, and Kevin has a kid – what?!

My favorite episode of this block focuses on Beth’s younger years, and growing up in a really tough household, and shows the devastating loss of her father and her biggest supporter. You find out she was an extremely gifted dancer, but her dream is cut short by her mother’s pent up emotion. It was sad, but also explains so much about why Beth is the way she is today. Another one of my favorite episodes focused on Beth and Randall’s relationship. I mainly liked this episode because it finally resolved all of their marital tension!

As usual, the entire Pearson clan just really frustrates me. They are all selfish and oblivious and irrational! I understand that real life people aren’t perfect, but good grief! And I’m conflicted about the 3-season renewal from NBC…is there really going to be enough Milo Ventimiglia for me to put up with this crap?? They better hope so.