Weekend Movie Review

Unlike October, I have totally been slacking this month! Last week I didn’t watch a single film and this week I only got three in before my internet crapped out on me. A disappointing turn of events, but there is still time (and a holiday weekend) to catch up! Also, a fun fact about this trio of movies – they were all only an hour and a half! I love a good movie that can get their point across without dragging it past the two hour mark. It’s just not necessary sometimes and I think more filmmakers need to take note.

Your Sister’s Sister – Another Lynn Shelton film, and this one stars two of my favorite people: Mark Duplass and Emily Blunt! Perhaps this is the most awkward situation I could ever imagine a set of siblings in. A man who is still reeling from his brother’s suicide gets caught in between unknowingly fathering his best friend’s lesbian sister pregnant and his friend falling for him. They make the best of it, though I don’t know if I’d ever be as understanding.

Swallow – This movie was insane! In a real demure way, but what happened in it was wild. It almost had a horror movie quality to it in the way it was filmed and the quiet tension throughout. Hunter is young housewife who feels the pressure from her husband an in-laws. Her coping mechanism? Pica. And in case you don’t know what that is, it’s when someone eats things that they shouldn’t, like a thumbtack, as the film’s movie poster displays. Of course, you find out there is more chaos in her life than initially meets the eye. Highly recommend if you’ve got Showtime!

Obvious Child – I enjoyed this way more than I anticipated. Jenny Slate will always stick out in my head as that SNL cast member who got fired for dropping an f-bomb on air, so it’s a somewhat bitter taste in my mouth about her. Although, in this film, she plays a young Jewish woman who is just trying to make it in stand-up when she gets dumped by her cheating boyfriend. Some rebound sex ensues, soon followed up by the decision to get an abortion. Jake Lacy plays the adorable one-night stand who’s got an awkward track record at making an impression. The two are very likeable, as well as her roommate played by Gaby Hoffman.