Weekly Drama Review

I know I was a little late in last week’s review of Animal Kingdom and Roswell, New Mexico, but this week I’m on it! Can’t say it will ever happen again, but you’ll just have to come back to find out. Anyways, lots of development this week, and of course…lots of drama!

First up on Animal Kingdom, the rest of the Cody’s finally get to meet Pamela Johnson. They also get to meet her son and granddaughter. It appears Pamela is almost as ruthless as Smurf, but she does off the boys the chance to earn back Smurf’s stuff. First up, she wants them to do a job for her involving getting back some evidence related to a murder her son accidentally committed back in the day. None of the guys trust that there’s only a bloody t-shirt in the safe, but the majority of them think it’s best to go through with the job since they don’t have a strong enough case in contesting Smurf’s will. For now, I think Pamela’s son seems alright, but he’s only just been introduced. Who knows where it will go.

Elsewhere in the episode, Renn considers selling real estate, while Craig pretty clearly considers hooking up with Frankie. Deran is still being forceful with J about selling the apartment, and I think it’s just a matter of time before J strikes back. He’s probably just waiting for the right opportunity. Poor Pope learns that Angela’s been beaten to death, so it looks like we won’t be seeing her around this season. Her death is Pope’s breaking point, though, and he’s slamming draws and doors while packing a bag. He and Deran have a moment that was as nice as a moment the two had last season, but right now it seems like Pope isn’t coming back. With a Cody short, I hope they can pull off that job!

Last night on Roswell, New Mexico we pick up right in the middle of that awkward conversation with Max and Liz. They keep it cordial, but it is stiff as hell. I felt like my head was spinning with everything going on with Max this episode! All of his secret-keeping is finally catching up with him and basically everyone knows what’s going on by the end of the episode. That means everyone finds out about how bad his heart is really failing and about his clone, Jones, in the middle of the desert. Kyle is going to try his best, but who knows at this point. Liz finally gets hit with the hard truth that yeah, Max destroyed her lab and her work, but she was also doing it with his DNA and without his consent. It’s about time Liz takes a little responsibility.

Speaking of responsibility, Wyatt’s memory loss is continuing to make him tolerable. I totally see him and Rosa hooking up later on. Meanwhile, Michael is convinced he’s the one to get murdered in Maria’s visions, but he thinks he deserves it because he’s the son of an alien dictator. He’s super angsty this episode, but there is a quality Malex moment to make up for it. I imagine it won’t be too long before he and Alex rekindle something. Isobel learns from Jones that she’s an empath, which helps her stay a little bit ahead of the curve on some stuff that went down this episode! Maria keeps learning more about her visions without actually having another one, and she might just be getting a new love interest in Alex’s brother. They are quite cute together. The real cliffhanger of the episode though, is that Jones succeeds in getting out of his cage – essentially switching places with Max. I’m curious whether or not he’ll try to pretend to be Max for a little while or just start doing a bunch of bad stuff. It also appears that Alex made some progress with a weird radio…that Kyle also has a counterpart to? Not totally sure, but I know we’ll learn more.

As I said last week, Roswell, New Mexico just keeps firing on all cylinders and it’s a lot of information coming at us. I sort of wish there were fewer storylines, but as I also said last week, I’m sure they’ll all tie together in the end. Pretty exciting so far – and no corney dialogue! As far as Animal Kingdom goes, it still seems to be dragging a little bit. Now that Pamela is firmly in the picture, I imagine things will ramp up. So far though, Pope seems to be having the most interesting storyline and he hasn’t even been in that many scenes! Until next week, my fellow drama lovers.