Weekly Dramas

It’s that time where my summer shows are winding down. In fact, Animal Kingdom has wrapped up for the season! Hopefully we won’t have to wait as long into the new year for the final season, but that remains to be seen. Regardless, here’s what went down this week in my regular network dramas.

During the season finale of Animal Kingdom, I was definitely feeling some high level of anxiety for the Codys and their big heist. Sure, there was a mistimed moment, but really the job went a lot smoother than it probably would for someone in real life. But what do I know? I’m sure if your main way of making a living was robbing people, then you’d probably get pretty slick at the craft. Regardless, Frankie played a pretty small role in the whole thing and still walked away with a fifth of the million dollars they lifted from a shipping container. Deran, too had a pretty easy job: the getaway driver. Too bad his buddies moved up the timeline a bit! It all worked out in the end, though. J was cracking me up as an aloof truck driver when he was being confronted by the big bad guy. Craig and Pope were responsible for actually getting the cash from the safe which just seemed like a normal process for them. At the height of the action I thought for sure they were going to get caught, but they escaped by the skin of their teeth.

More importantly, no one died. I suppose that was probably going to be a given considering they just killed off Smurf last season. There’s got to be a bit of variety. And I would say they definitely achieved that! I mean in the world of the Codys, they all pretty much got a happy ending. Pope and Craig pretty easily agreed with opening their own businesses to move money, and Deran finally succumbed to the family life by getting his bar involved now. That shouldn’t backfire in the future, nope. Heck, they even put Pete in his place before the big job. Pope literally stabbed his eye out – yuck! J seemed a little shaken by that, and perhaps he should be given that Baz’s wife, Catherine’s body is found at the end of the episode. I imagine Pope will meet his doom at some point next season. That would be on par with the movie, so I’d be cool with that development. Aside from all the present day action, in the past, Smurf finds the house that we all know so well and decides from here on out she’s going big with her jobs. Clearly it pays off in the long run, but you can see her choices are causing division between her and Julia. The beginning of the end, I assume. I’ll be interested to see if the flashbacks continue in the final season.

Over on Roswell, New Mexico, they are really kicking into high gear with only two episodes remaining. This hour was action-packed with some pretty neat reveals. First things first is that yes, Liz is being held hostage by Jones, who’s also having Heath do the “sciencing.” That poor doof tries to fool Jones and that is a potentially stupid move, but he and Liz both manage to do a good deal of distracting. At least Heath was able to get a message to Dallas about where they were being held. From there, everyone splits off to get ready to confront Jones. Isobel and Rosa head to the desert to find Isobel’s sword. There, they run into the reformed Wyatt, and I appreciate him coming back and seeing his connection with Rosa. I wouldn’t mind seeing more of him in the future, that is, if Rosa is still around in future seasons. Michael gets a pep talk from Sanders, who tells Michael that he’s been playing it safe with his powers for no reason. Sure, Michael is the son of a dictator, but he couldn’t be more different. Meanwhile, Dallas and Max have a heart to heart about killing Max if it needs to be done. Max always tries to be the savior, but Dallas knows he’s meant to protect Max, not kill him.

Of course, they all manage to meet up at the house at the same time. Isobel and Jones fight while Liz and Heath attempt to escape. None of it really works and then when Dallas threatens to kill Max while Michael’s holding a sword up to Jones’ throat, it is then that we see the insane powers that Jones possesses. The episode ends with them all held captive in Jones’ mind. It does appear that Michael isn’t really impacted, so I assume he’ll be teaming up with the missing members of this party: Rosa, Maria, Alex, and Kyle at some point next week. I assume they are all going to figure out some pertinent information before that happens though. Jones just keeps bringing the surprises, and his powers seem unlimited in scope. I’m sure the final battle will be an intense one. And look, if they really wanted to up the ante…maybe they kill off a main character? Or don’t. I don’t know!

Both shows this week brought some solid action and I can’t wait for what’s next. I know that means for Animal Kingdom waiting a bit, but it’ll be worth it in the end. I’m glad they managed to end on a high note after a somewhat sluggish season. Hopefully they’re running at high speed for the entirety of the final season. Roswell continues to pack each episode with so much information and action. I love that, but I also wish they would consistently include everyone each week. I understand that it could make the plotlines a little more shallow. Or, if they’re not in it one week, at least have it make a little more sense? It feels like Maria should have been around a lot more this season then she has been. Honestly, the same goes for Rosa. Kyle and Alex have sort of seemed to be more on the peripheral of all the action this season, so I hope to see that change if not this season, then the next one. Overall though, very pleased this week!