Book Review: The Angel of Darkness by Caleb Carr

After nearly two years, TNT finally premiered the second season of The Alienist, which is based off of Caleb Carr’s second novel in the Dr. Kreizler series, The Angel of Darkness. Rather than wait to read this novel, I decided to get the jump on the series and read the book first! This was no small feat by the way. Clocking in at over 600 pages, and with a divine amount of detail, this book took me longer than the average to crank out, but I managed to do so just a day before the second season premiere! As expected, the novel was fantastic. Everything depicted with such vivid detail and a fine amount of humor laced within the serious context of the story.

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Packed Tight Movie Weekend

In less than 72 hours, I’ve managed to squeeze five movies into my life without feeling like I’ve neglected any other area of my life. That is quite a feat! I also managed to accomplish this after cleaning up a bunch of glass off of my kitchen floor (courtesy of my cats)! As in the past few of these, rather than bore you with the details, I give my quick-take and a general summary of the films’ events in the hopes of helping you make some choices in your viewing leisure.

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Fan Art Friday: Adele

While I’m not the world’s biggest Adele fan, I do appreciate her immense talent and amiable personality. I also really love her album covers! There’s nothing I love more than the striking aesthetic of black and white photographs, so it was a no-brainer for me to pick one of them and draw it. The lucky winner happened to be her third record, 25. I was pretty pleased with how this turned out, and it’s making me consider drawing her other covers, as well. Enjoy!

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TBT: The Concert Series – frnkiero andthe cellabration

Since I don’t foresee any more concerts happening in the US this year, I figured I’d reminisce about the good old times, and talk about some older shows I’ve been to (which would be A LOT since this blog started even). On this first throwback, I’m taking us all back to 2015, where I got the closest to seeing My Chemical Romance I may ever get (but hopefully not, though). That’s right, in a little old venue called the Grog Shop, I got to see frnkiero andthe cellabration!

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Fandoms, Interviews, and Zoom Panels During Quarantine

Look, COVID-19 has prevented a lot of cool things from taking place this year, and I imagine it will continue to steam-roll the rest of 2020. This makes me really sad, as I’ve had to miss out on countless concerts and a handful of semi-local conventions. I look forward to these types of events because, if it’s not obvious, I love all things famous! And what better way to hear from, gaze at from afar, or straight up meet in person than at a convention?!

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It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia – Season 7

Half way through their fourteen already released seasons, I am still loving the ride It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia is taking me on. In fact, I find myself binging more episodes at a time then I did at the start, and that’s a good sign for any show. I can count on countless laugh out load moments, as well as shielding my eyes from something incredibly socially awkward and unacceptable.

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Abandon Ship! Shows

You know, I watch a bunch of shows, and while 98% of them are satisfying (because I do some research), there are still just a few that fall through the cracks. It’s not necessarily that they are bad, but they just don’t hold my interest, which I’m sure is the case for many people. Maybe it’s because I have all this extra time not spent at the movie theater this year, but I’ve found a few shows that literally pained me to watch, so I just decided to…stop.

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