Succession Season 3

Oh man, it was a very antsy waiting period, but now that I’ve experienced the highly anticipated third season of Succession, I can confirm that it was totally worth the discomfort. Speaking of discomfort, the Roy family didn’t let up on any of their ruthless antics this season, and the level of betrayal is at an all time high. Let’s review, shall we? Also, SPOILER warning so you’re prepared.

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New Movie Weekend

Before you all get your panties in a bunch, I will be seeing Spider-Man: No Way Home in the next couple of days. It just didn’t make the cut this weekend. But, the films that did make the cut were all pretty dang good, and two of them were supporting independent film!

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Fan Art Friday: Jennifer Lawrence

Alright, technically it’s not Friday, but it’s still fine for me to post some deserving fan art! I would like to point out though that this is some throwback fan art, as I’m currently in the middle of a new drawing you’ll have to wait and see next week. With Don’t Look Up in select theaters and hitting Netflix next week, I figured it was a great time to welcome Jennifer Lawrence back into the fold of acting after she took some time off the last couple of years. I can’t wait to see this movie, and I especially can’t wait to see Lawrence on screen again. Who knows, maybe soon she’ll get a new drawing, too!

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