Fan Art Friday: Omega X / A Shoulder to Cry On

Less than a week ago I spoke to Shin Yechan of Omega X! Would I have preferred it in person like it was supposed to be? Absolutely. But in the end that still didn’t take away my thrill at the chance to get to speak to Yechan. For being such a new fan I kind of felt a little like a fraud, but then you know what, no. I’m just as crazy about them now as I will be a few months from now. The only difference will be how much time I’ve spent looking them up online. I’ve already watched A Shoulder to Cry On a second time (and it’s just as good), and I can’t begin to tell you how many hours I’ve logged listening to their albums. The conversation was brief, but so, so great. And he was really impressed with this drawing! With how quickly it came together I am also lowkey impressed with how it turned out. Anyway, enjoy.

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Album Review – Foster the People & Joywave

Now that the year is almost over, I am trying to make time for the albums released by bands that I’ve had on my radar all year. There were some that came out that I was just more excited for, and then you’re all familiar with the vice grip that K-Pop has had on me since January. Can you blame a girl for slacking a little bit?

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Jazz for Two – Series Review

With my most recent K-Pop obsession, Omega X, I am doing my very best to find out everything I can about this lesser known group. Just like I was surprised to learn about the KBL series, A Should to Cry On, starring their leader and maknae, I was equally surprised to learn that their fourth eldest member, Hangyeom, was in the more recent KBL, Jazz for Two.

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Concert Review – Underoath

Sadly, seeing Underoath this past weekend in the very last concert I have on the books since Omega X canceled just two weeks ago. I’m bummed. That concert high is over for the year, and so far 2025 is looking sparse. I know there is plenty of time for more shows to pop up, but this being the last show of 2024 maybe felt a little more melancholy than joyous.

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