Album Review – AFI The Missing Man EP

What I would consider to be an early Christmas gift came on December 7th in the way of new songs by one of my favorite bands! That’s right, AFI released a five track EP on the heels of 2017’s eponymous Blood Album. That’s a pretty quick turnaround considering there were four years in between their last two albums. Overall though, I wasn’t super impressed by this EP. Of the five new songs released, I really only liked “Trash Bat” and the single “Get Dark,” mainly because they they were quick and punky in nature. The other three songs mixed acoustic guitar and almost detached sounding vocals. Regardless of what I thought of this EP, I’m still glad I got some new tunes so soon and in an interview with KROQ the band promised new material from Blaqk Audio (Davey and Jade’s electronic side project) early next year and that they’ve already started work on the next AFI album – fingers crossed for a 2020 release! Go give The Missing Man EP a listen and let me know your thoughts.