Book Review: The IT Girl by Ruth Ware

Wow, Ruth Ware is really cranking them out! Well, I suppose it’s actually been since 2020 when her last novel came out, but the time seems to have just flown by! Anyways, my sister checked out The IT Girl first and was shocked at the ending, so I knew I needed to read it before it went back to the library.

We meet Hannah in the present, pregnant, working at a bookshop, and married to her lovely husband, Will. We also meet Hannah ten years in the past, where she’s a freshman at Oxford – Pelham Collage, to be exact. There, we are introduced to a creepy porter named Neville, and then to her brash but exciting roommate, April. April is the glue to this story because not too long into her time at Pelham, Hannah finds April dead in their room late one night, and is certainly positive Neville is the one responsible.

Hannah is of course still impacted by April’s death in the present, but she begins questioning herself even more when Neville is confirmed dead in prison. All of her worries should be over, right? Wrong. A journalist reaches out thinking there are things that just don’t make sense with Hannah’s recounting of events. This has Hannah questioning everything and she begins to pick at old wounds that have been scabbed over for quite some time. A very important thing to know is that Will was also at Pelham, and he also happened to be April’s boyfriend!

There are shocking revelations made throughout the novel relating to everyone in her small friend group. In looking back, not everything was as it appeared on the surface and Hannah starts thinking really any one of her friends could have been behind April’s death. I will say that the reveals were quite shocking. And there were just enough little details and twists at the end that really had me cruising through the last few chapters! This was another hit by Ruth Ware in my opinion.

Go check out this novel and all her others already!