Frameline46 Film Festival

Even though I’m sure I would have watched some films being shown at this year’s Frameline Festival, it definitely helped that I won a survey last year and earned myself a gold membership. That means my name showed up in the program! Now, I wasn’t flying out to San Francisco to participate in the in person festivities, but lucky for me they had an encore streaming week! Here’s what piqued my interest!

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The Black Phone – Movie & Short Story Review

It took maybe the first ten seconds of the trailer for The Black Phone to convince me that I was going to see it. Now, that was supposed to be in January, but things happen and here we are now in June. Regardless, I definitely found the film worth the wait, and then I purposely waited to read the short story until I saw the film. As I’ve said before, the written word will always be good whether I read it before or after. The outcome for film or television adaptations varies, and typically not in the best way.

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Holiday Weekend Movie Review

Now, before you all get excited, no, I did not watch the new Top Gun movie. Mainly because I have never seen the original. Yet. Give me until next weekend and that all could change. Anyways, here’s what rounded out the month!

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Weekend Movie Rewind

So many “original” independent films were released this weekend. Obviously, I say that with a huge dose of sarcasm because there are excellent independent films hitting theaters all the time. People just aren’t paying attention. The reason I think they are this time around is because they’re touting some heavy A-list hitters. Although, most awesome independent films I watch have heavy A-list talent. For some reason people are only just now paying attention…I digress. Let’s see what made the cut this weekend.

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