A Weekend of New Movies

That’s right, all new movies this weekend! I paid a visit to a theater, checked some out video on demand, and even got to watch a couple from the Milwaukee Film Festival! All were very unique in their own way, and I consider that quite a success!

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Film Independent Spirit Awards

It’s getting down to the wire folks! Usually, the Film Independent Spirit Awards takes place the afternoon before the Oscars, but in this unprecedented time of a pandemic, they switched their usual plan of attack by airing in a prime time slot during the week (a Thursday to be exact). Hey, I don’t care when they air, I promise I’ll be there to watch it. Normally, I would not be catching the Spirit Awards until after the fact, but this year, yours truly was a voting member, so I had to tune in!

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Cleveland International Film Festival 45

After missing out on a live event last year, CIFF decided to take it’s festival to the virtual world by calling it CIFF Streams this year! Hey, no skin off my back. I still get to participate, and I get to do it all from the comfort of my home! Not as many titles jumped out at me as Sundance did this year, but I still made some solid and pretty exciting choices. Let’s get reviewing!

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This Weekend’s Movies in Review

Aside from the Monsterverse’s latest, there wasn’t really anything new that came out this past week. With all that freedom, I became a bit nostalgic and decided to give a couple titles a re-watch. One of those was a good idea, and the other really wasn’t, but I never claimed to make good decisions all the time! Anyway, this week’s slate was a pretty decent one all around.

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