Memorial Day Weekend Movie Review

I don’t believe a single film I watched over this holiday weekend was in any way patriotic, but that did not make them any less enjoyable! Here we go with some high level recaps and my honest two cents.

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Brand New Movies!

To be fair, I have been watching new movies, but to clarify, this weekend I watched a few potential Oscar contenders, along with some other new movies! This is exciting stuff people! With the Oscars getting pushed back to April, there is more time for contenders to release, which means I have to wait until next year for a good chunk of them. That’s why it’s exciting to get to see some now!

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Two New Movies with Two Very Different Reactions

I think that title tells you what you’re about to read here, and unless you’ve been living under a rock, my reaction will not be all too different from the critics who have already seen these films. The other day, Netflix released Hillbilly Elegy, which was adapted from the memoir of the same name by J.D. Vance. The very next day, Hulu released the holiday romantic comedy, Happiest Season. Based on that very limited information, I’m sure your assumptions of what was good and what was bad is actually wrong!

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AFI Film Festival

Not much good has come out of this pandemic, so imagine my surprise when something actually awesome happens?! Film Festivals all over the world have either had to cancel or postpone, but now a large handful have caught onto the streaming bug, and this works out magically for me! Usually attended by locals or strictly critics, this change of events has given me an unseen advantage. I, just a lowly film fan, gets to watch potential Oscars films ahead of the masses!

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