Sundance Film Festival – Days 1 & 2

I suppose this is days one and two for me, when in actuality they are days 2 and 3. Whatever, those are just small details. The real story lies in the films I’ve been able to watch! Some have been very entertaining, while some just sort of pass the time. Luckily, none have outright disappointed me, and that’s a wonderful thing!

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Best and Worst Films of 2020

We already know that 2020 was the worst, but that doesn’t mean movies let me down! Well…at least not all of them. I watched 245 films this year and there were certainly some stinkers, but for the most part, 2020 delivered some very impressive indie films (my favorite), and I unearthed some older titles. That’s one thing this pandemic has been good for: making time for movies I’ve never had time for in the past. Let’s talk about my favorites, my least favorites, and some bonus runner-ups!

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Holiday Movie Review

I would dub this a holiday movie review because most of what I watched was related to this time of year! Perhaps the only good Christmas movies I know got watched, but I’m warning you that the number is low. There are also some sad films in the mix, because everything happy probably always has a little bit of sadness, too.

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Mid-Week Movie Review: Awards Season Contenders

As I mentioned with my last movie review, I recently became a member of Film Independent, which features a lot of independent films. Those are usually the Oscars’ favorites, and they’re mine, too! It’s sort of crazy the amount of content that’s available for Film Independent members, and you’ll definitely catch me taking advantage of it. That being said, most of these films are available to me before they are to the general public, so I’ll keep these reviews as spoiler free as I can!

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