Movie Rental Review: A Vigilante, Lying and Stealing

Not to much came to the theaters this weekend, so I decided to take a look at my list of movies that have been out for a little while that I’ve been meaning to see. Since my local video store got shut down, and I’m too stubborn to stream most things, I went to a nearby Red Box to see what they had – so many good options is what! I settled on two short, but well reviewed movies: A Vigilante and Lying and Stealing.

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Movie Review: Angel Has Fallen

A few months back when I first saw the beginning of the trailer for Angel Has Fallen, it really took me a long minute to figure out why this looked so familiar. It’s because it’s the third film based on the 2013 original, Olympus Has Fallen. It’s been three years since its follow up London Has Fallen was released, and I really should have watched them to remind myself about what the heck actually happened. I didn’t though, and I ended up just fine.

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Movie Review: Ready or Not

A few months back when I saw the trailer for Ready or Not, I thought to myself, “have I seen this before?” And with a little bit of thought, two movies actually came to mind, You’re Next and The Invitation. Both movies focus on a night of survival from attackers, but while those two films were their own thing, so was Ready or Not, and I was definitely ready to see it!

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Fan Art Friday/New Movie Review

You know, I wanted to do a full movie recap of The Peanut Butter Falcon that I had the pleasure of watching last night, but I realize there was so much in there that can’t be converted into words that I decided this could also be an appreciation post for Shia LaBeouf! I’ve grown up with Shia starting with Even Stevens, so seeing him make very indie, but incredible film choices over the years has been really fun to watch. Sure, his social life is a little odd, but wasn’t Louis, too?

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Where’d You Go, Bernadette Movie Review

Saturday night, while my sister and a friend went to go see 47 Meters Down: Uncaged, I went to go see, by myself, in an empty theater, the newly released Where’d You Go, Bernadette. A lot of people would be very uncomfortable with that, my sister included, but I think it’s sort of awesome! And the fact that it’s happened to me twice in one month (The Art of Self Defense) means that people are sleeping on some pretty good cinema!

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Movie Review: Good Boys

Since I’ve got a fairly busy weekend ahead of me, my sister and I decided to go see the Seth Rogan produced, Good Boys, last night. This was hands down the funniest movie I’ve seen all year! It was absolutely hysterical. I will say that since I’ve only seen Jacob Tremblay in dramas, and he’s been previously nominated for a SAG award, it was hard for me to reconcile seeing him in this raunchy comedy. Either way, it was fantastic.

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Weekend Movie Review: An Indie Triumph and Big Name Flop

Maybe seeing two movies back to back swayed my opinion here, but one movie I saw this weekend was definitely a winner, while the other just sort of left me feeling nothing. I don’t know that I had high hopes for either, but I was certainly looking forward to seeing both. I don’t feel that time was wasted, but maybe could have been spent watching a different film.

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Once Upon a Time…In Hollywood was a Bit of a Letdown

Look, I say that, but I did enjoy it. It was classic Tarantino in many ways and that made me very happy, but it was also just a bit sluggish and disconnected. But after the great disappointment that was The Hateful Eight, I was at least more pleased with this subject matter. It also had what I loved about Inglorious Basterds, in that it focused on real historical events, and then just turning them on its head for a different/better outcome. And the gore, let’s not forget the gore! I could have used a little more, but the final scene in the movie made up for it for the most part.

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Indie Film Review: The Art of Self Defense

There’s nothing I love more than a good indie film, and The Art of Self Defense checked all the boxes for me this weekend. I had been anticipating this film for a while, so the fact that it finally came to a theater near me meant I had to take the drive to go see it. Yes, I was the only person in the theater, and frankly, that’s a travesty! Either way, here’s my take on this gem of a film.

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