Awards Season Recap – SAG & Film Independent Spirit

We are barreling towards the Oscars next weekend and there are still some categories as tumultuous as ever! I don’t know if I’ve personally ever been so unsure of what or what is going to take home the big prizes next weekend! And the SAG and Film Independent Spirit Awards did nothing to help!

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Shrinking – Season 2 Review

Again, I don’t know why it’s taking me so long to watch the new seasons of all of these shows that I love! Shrinking, though I watched it hesitantly during its first season, really grew on me. It’s one of those feel-good shows, even though a lot of emotional stuff is thrown at you. The comedy and levity surely make it more palatable, and I’m totally here for it.

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9-1-1 Lone Star – Final Season Review

I’m both surprised and sad that 9-1-1 Lone Star lasted five seasons. With its predecessor still rolling, I figured the audience was there for this particular Rob Lowe led series. I guess I was wrong. At least the writers for this show knew this was the final push, though they were given less episodes to tie it all together.

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