Concert Review: AWOLNATION

I can’t believe it’s been pre-pandemic since I’ve seen AWOLNATION live! Sure, I checked out their livestream show, but it’s just not the same.

Naturally, the band incorporated a good chunk of songs from their early 2020 release, Angel Riders & the Lightening Riders, like “Radical” and “The Best.” While I was sad not a whole lot made it off of Run or Here Come the Runts, I’m sure original fans of the band were ecstatic with how many tracks from Megalithic Symphony made it onto the setlist. I myself was very excited to hear “Knights of Shame.” Hydro the Hero made an appearance during that song, along with their Biz Markie cover, “Just a Friend” during the encore. Overall, it was a really high energy set, and the crowd was all about it.

That’s probably what I like best about AWOLNATION shows. Other than the fact that they sound great, they always elicit crazy energy from the crowd. Sometimes it’s a little too claustrophobic for my liking, but it’s fun to watch from a little ways away. I was a little nervous when the show first started because even though their new song “Freaking Me Out” has a quicker tempo, it’s not quite as wild as I was expecting the show to go. They kind of kept that same tempo for the next handful of songs, but that really didn’t stop anyone from living their best life in the crowd. Perhaps it’s because Aaron Bruno is constantly engaging with everyone. Whatever the trick is, it worked.

Aside from AWOLNATION rocking it, Badflower also brought their A-game in the opening set. They ripped through nine songs in about half an hour, and they hit all the good ones like “The Jester,” “Ghost,” and “Heroin.” In looking at previous setlists, I’m a little bummed we didn’t get to hear “30,” but I suppose that just means I’ll have to go see them more times in the future! Again, these guys sounded incredible, and before you get confused as to why they were opening for AWOLNATION, you have to think about all the genres that the band encompasses. That gives them the freedom to really tour with whoever the hell they want, and I’m glad Badflower answered the call.

If this tour is still coming to a city near you, then go check it out!