Concert Throwback: Foxy Shazam

Foxy Shazam, the Cincinnati based rock band from back in the day are BACK after a six year hiatus and I couldn’t be happier. Led by electric and strange front-man Eric Sean Nally, this band has always mixed loud beats and horns with soft vocals or screams. I also guarantee that the first time you listen to them, especially songs from The Church of Rock and Roll, you may confuse them for Queen. Seriously, if you wander through the Youtube comments on performances, this is the top comparison, and it’s accurate! Having seen them play live twice in completely different circumstances, their natural talent is unmatched. The first time I saw them was opening for fun. and Panic! at the Disco back in 2011 and I was immediately enthralled by their chaos onstage. Then I had the opportunity to see them headline at a smaller venue, but got the gift of a crazy long set, and they were incredible! Ever heard an electric kazoo? Well, I have and it’s cool as hell. Now it’s 2020, they’re back together, and there’s new merch and new music, and I can’t wait to see them again!

Ignore the awful quality of this photo and revel in the almost satanic look given by the trumpet player.
Again, awful photo quality, but you can definitely make out Eric Sean Nally rocking a headstand.