Epic Concert Trio Review: Breaking Benjamin, Chevelle, Three Days Grace

Last night I had the pleasure of seeing three spectacular and quite popular bands perform together in one venue, and it wasn’t a festival! That’s pretty rare!

In a strange twist of events, Three Days Grace was the opener. They were the most popular during my time growing up, so that fact surprised me a little bit. Either way, they played nine songs in total that were a nice mix of old and brand new tracks like, “Animal” and “Infra-Red.” The crowd was really feeling it, so it’s safe to say they have a strong fan base. Having never seen the band live while Adam Gontier was the front man may have opinions skewed, but they sound radio ready live with Matt Welst at the helm. I was thoroughly impressed.

Next up was longtime familial band, Chevelle. I could definitely tell that a large majority of the crowd was here to see them. Having missed their performance due to poor weather at Sonic Temple was probably the main reason my sister and I bought tickets to this show. It was well worth the price of admission! They also played a nice mix of new, old, and fan favorites. Anyone who’s a die hard Chevelle fan should make the trip to see them somewhere because they will surely impress.

Last on the docket were headliners, Breaking Benjamin. Quite honestly, I’m not really a fan, so their set was a bit boring to me, as a lot of the tunes sounded the same. Front man, Benjamin, seemed pretty drunk and was speaking in a strange voice to the crowd, but maybe he was just amped that this show was taking place close to his home town. Regardless, the performance from my sister’s perspective was pretty poor. Benjamin was off key several times, and the guitarist and bassist also sang quite a bit in his place. We left a little early to beat the crowd, so we missed their star-making hit, “Diary of Jane,” but still heard other standouts like “Red Cold River” and “Tourniquet.”

There were two other opening acts before Three Days Grace took the stage, Diamante and Dorothy, but we missed those entirely. I would have liked it to have only been the three bands so they could have added more tracks to their set lists, but overall it was a great evening at a pretty nice venue.