Fan Art Friday/New Movie Review

You know, I wanted to do a full movie recap of The Peanut Butter Falcon that I had the pleasure of watching last night, but I realize there was so much in there that can’t be converted into words that I decided this could also be an appreciation post for Shia LaBeouf! I’ve grown up with Shia starting with Even Stevens, so seeing him make very indie, but incredible film choices over the years has been really fun to watch. Sure, his social life is a little odd, but wasn’t Louis, too?

Last night’s film was a fairly mellow story following Zack, a downs syndrome kid living in a nursing home, who just wants to become a wrestler at a school run by his favorite wrestler, the Salt Water Redneck. When he finally makes his escape, he hides out on the boat of local troublemaker, Tyler. After being discovered, Tyler promises to get Zack to the wrestling school since it’s on the way to his final destination in Florida. Meanwhile, Zack’s caretaker, Eleanor, is looking for him, while two fishermen are trying to hunt Tyler down.

The film culminates in some dreams being fulfilled, but what’s really fantastic about this film are the relationships between all parties involved. It’s got a stellar cast besides newcomer, Zack Gottsagen, who has absolutely no trouble fitting in and holding his own. This film is sweet and has the right kind of humor thread throughout. Truthfully, this is one of the best movies I have ever seen, and if you see it and don’t feel the same, do you even have a heart? Just kidding. People like different things, and I really, really liked this thing!

As for the fan art, here is an extremely old drawing I did of Shia Labeouf reflective of his time on one of my favorite movies, Disturbia. Enjoy!