Fandoms, Interviews, and Zoom Panels During Quarantine

Look, COVID-19 has prevented a lot of cool things from taking place this year, and I imagine it will continue to steam-roll the rest of 2020. This makes me really sad, as I’ve had to miss out on countless concerts and a handful of semi-local conventions. I look forward to these types of events because, if it’s not obvious, I love all things famous! And what better way to hear from, gaze at from afar, or straight up meet in person than at a convention?!

Yes, I know virtually all production has been shut down for a long time, but there is still plenty of material that’s been hanging out on the shelves awaiting release, so that means new content is still coming at us pretty regularly. Usually, copious interviews take place and sightings at conventions, but with all that’s going on actors and creators are going to have to find a new way to connect.

Along with all of the brand new content coming at us, there is also a seemingly never-ending supply of older shows and films that you may have never even stumbled upon ever in your life had you not been stuck in your homes for so long. For instance, I finally got around to watching Hannibal and The Boys, which were both on my list, but with the amount of new shows that I watch and summertime around the corner, I just never made quite enough time for them. Sure, I’m still doing awesome summertime stuff, but with no theater-time, I have more at-home viewing opportunities, and I’ve taken full advantage.

Swinging back around to my main point, these shows have got to get the word out somehow, and they are! In probably my favorite thing ever (besides meeting these people face to face), panels are being moderated with almost complete casts, and that’s so exciting! Specifically, several of some of the best shows I’ve seen have been doing panels, whether it be for a reunion or for promotion (or both!). Most of the ones I’ve watched have come out a couple of months ago to last week! I had the pleasure of listening to the casts of Succession, Kingdom, Hannibal, and The Boys all talk about their shows and everything that they encapsulate, and my heart almost exploded with happiness.

It was nice to see the Kingdom and Hannibal casts get together, as they are older shows that have been off the air for a bit of time. There was a bit of a dual purpose to their reunions, for nostalgia and a nod to the fans, and also because they both recently joined Netflix! And with everyone having ample time and “running out” of things to watch, this is a perfect time to promote their shows. Especially since both got cancelled well before they should have really. At three seasons a piece, only being off the air for a few years, and in this reboot culture, I would love nothing more than to see their Netflix popularity spawn new seasons for each. My heart would explode of happiness again!

The Boys and Succession both got to reminisce about having successful shows that reached incredibly different audiences (except for me, apparently), and what they are anticipating for their upcoming seasons. Luckily, The Boys already had all of their sophomore season done with well before corona virus struck, but sadly, Succession was just about to start filming their third season before everything shut down. Still, I was so giddy to see these casts and creators come together to geek-out about their craft and their favorite lines (Succession killed me!). While Brian Cox may be the only actor on the show who knows what’s going to go down in the upcoming season, The Boys surprised everyone with the first three minutes of the new season!

Also, you can’t have a conversation without a moderator, so I was pleased with all the hosts that corralled everyone from their screens. It’s clear that they are also super-fans just like us. Patton Oswald was particularly fun in The Boys‘ chaotic panel. Either way, these were all such delightful gatherings that centered on four vastly different shows that have stayed with me and made an impact. I seriously implore you to go watch these shows and then check these out! Or, just check them out anyways! And if that’s not enough for you, I also highly recommend Variety Studio’s Actors on Actors interviews (it’s actors interviewing other actors!!), along with The Hollywood Reporter Roundtables. Those are some of my favorites as they are more in depth and lengthy conversations. Also, if you want to see long interviews about almost any book, film, show, or album, then I recommend heading over to Build Series’ Youtube page. Excellent content! Hopefully, I just helped you figure out a way to spend more of your time in this uncertain time. Godspeed!