Fargo – Season 4, Episode 5

Just about at the half-way mark of this season of Fargo and the crazy is picking up even more! I imagine soon we’ll have a big shootout, and at this point I can’t even imagine who the survivors would be.

After getting their guns stolen last week, the Fadda’s enlist the help of the local police to ruffle the feathers of the Cannon’s. This includes arresting Loy’s eldest son and raiding their warehouse. Gaetano is still clearly not impressed by the lack of bloodshed, so he goes off to do some more secret planning, but we’ll get back to that later. While this all unfolds, Loy was planning to beat down the Smutney family for paying him back with his own money. While momentarily distracted, he still gets that meeting underway. Talk about awkward! Loy tells them that the funeral home is his now and they work for him. While not ideal, I guess it beats being dead, which I for sure thought was going to be the outcome.

Missing from that meeting is Ethelrida who is trying to turn in that crazy serial killer, Nurse Mayflower. She comes to a crossroads though, and goes to visit her aunt for advice. Afterwards though, she gets cornered by Deafy, who wants to get the escaped Zelmare and Swanee sooner rather than later. After some coercing, she finally gives them up, but not in time for him to get to the women before Loy and his men do. They are going to work for him now, too. With the Italians as divided as they are, it’s looking more and more like the Cannon crew are going to come out on top. Rabbi is not too sure, though. He tells Loy’s youngest son that if they start shooting that the two of them are ghosts. Part of me thinks that those two are going to be the only ones who make it out alive.

A bit of physical comedy shows up this episode in the form of Gaetano biffing it onto his back on the ice. While at first it seems he’ll take it in stride, it ends up leading to some unnecessary bloodshed. He’s starting to make some power plays, and that includes a big one when he has his man take out Loy’s right-hand man, Doctor Senator. That was very unexpected! I feel like that is the final spark that will ignite the war between these two mobs, but we shall see! Elsewhere in the episode, we see Nurse Mayflower sort of losing her cool in the hospital, but otherwise, not much else comes from her this week. Though I’m sure Ethelrida’s notebook in her house will turn up and create chaos next week.

I am absolutely loving this season so far, and I get more giddy with each episode. Also, I’ll say it again this week, but Gaetano is my MVP for the season. He just keeps cementing it, and that epic fall this week totally helped. More shocks in store, I’m sure.