It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia – Seasons 11 & 12

At the rate I’m going, I’ll actually be finished with all 14 seasons of It’s Always Sunny is Philadelphia by the beginning of next week. That’s crazy. In just about two months I managed to watch 154 episodes of, if I’m being honest, pure genius comedy. Again, that’s crazy. Especially considering that I watch a lot of other shows and movies besides Sunny. Either way, this is about seasons 11 and 12 of the show, and they just keep one-upping themselves on ideas! These seasons is also where I’ve seen the most reference to prior season events than ever before. While you could watch an episode and still know what’s going on, it’s a nice little nod to fans who’ve watched all the way through.

Season 11 was very strong, especially with the premiere episode calling back to Chardee MacDennis, but totally upping the ante and becoming even more ridiculous, which I didn’t think was possible. I missed the crazy dancing the original had, but it just went so bonkers by the end that it was almost unnoticed. Each episode was so strong that it’s hard for me to pick a favorite. With that being said, a fan-favorite episode (mine included) was “Mac and Dennis Move to the Suburbs.” Dennis’ rage is so untethered and it’s magic. The most creative episode of the season was “Being Frank,” where all of the events of the episode are seen and subconsciously narrated from Frank’s perspective. Two other stand-out moments for me is when Mac comes out to the gang on the cruise ship in “The Gang Goes to Hell,” and when Uncle Jack launches one of his fake hands across a court room in “McPoyle vs Ponderosa: The Trial of the Century.” I watched that scene MULTIPLE times.

Season 12 was even stronger in my opinion, lead by the opening two episodes, “The Gang Turns Black” and “The Gang Goes to a Water Park.” While the title of the premiere episode seems a little cringy, it is in fact, quite relevant to the Black Lives Matter movement that’s happening today. I recommend giving that episode a watch, for sure. It’s also part musical which had me doubled over laughing. It doesn’t happen often, but when a dance or musical number makes its way onto the show, it’s always A+ material. “The Gang Goes to a Water Park” might be the hardest I’ve laughed at the show for whatever reason. You’ve got Mac and Dee stuck in a kiddie slide, Charlie and Frank cutting the line by faking a case of AIDS, while Dennis teaches a young girl essentially how to be a sociopath. Just fantastic stuff! The creative deviations of the season includes “Making Dennis Reynolds a Murderer” which plays on Making a Murderer and The Jinx, and “A Cricket’s Tale” follows Cricket around for a period of time when he’s somewhat getting his life back together.

All really strong material for both seasons, but the end of season 12 sort of leaves everyone on a cliffhanger, because Dennis leaves for North Dakota to care for a child he’s fathered. I know during this time that the whole cast acted like Glenn Howerton left the show, but it was great marketing on their part. Well, done. I can’t wait to see how the last two seasons available turn out, but I’m also really sad that I’ll be out of episodes so soon, especially since I know season 15 might not be happening for a while with all of the COVID shutdowns. Either way, it’s been a fantastic ride so far!