Letterkenny – Season 11 Review

I am officially dubbing 2022 the “year of Letterkenny.” I have managed to watch every episode available, and I even got to see the cast perform in a live setting (so cool). Their most known phrases have even made it into my daily life – that’s high praise!

Now, I didn’t watch these six new episodes when they dropped in the US on boxing day, but instead I binged them all “back-to-back-to-back baby” yesterday. What a wonderous day. I love that in the short amount of time that we get to spend with this show each season that everyone manages to make an appearance, no matter how brief. That’s really hard to do with a cast that sees its supporting characters growing every season! This time around we get to see our hicks, skids, jocks, and degens worry about chips, dogs, and stolen church cash among other things. I will say, the chip debate and contest was a solid way to start off the season. Almost everyone in Letterkenny gathered to discuss the best chip around, though All Dressed were out of the running. Some truly hilarious interactions.

I appreciated the amount of Glen we got this season and a little sad about how little of Tanis we saw, but at least she did show up once. Speaking of, the Dycks made more appearances than I ever anticipated, but they are always delightfully uncomfortable. Dickens and the McMurrays were kind of sparse this season, as well as Ron, Dax, Tyson, and Joint Boy, but we saw them all when it mattered. Of course I’m talking about the end-of-the-season brawl that it synonymous with this show. I was also slightly shocked to see Darry absent from two episodes this season! He’s my favorite, so that obviously made me a little sad, but the skids more than made up for it! Truly, Stewart and Roald were responsible for most of my laughs this season. They were terrifically strange!

I don’t want to get into the nitty-gritty of the episodes this season, but just know that if you’re a long time fan, or even a fair-weather fan, that this season won’t disappoint. Even though I should still be relishing in this new offering of episodes, I can’t help but wonder if we’re going to have to wait as long for the next season. 2022 was a treasure-trove with the new season, spin-off series Shorsey, and the live tour! I know the twelfth season is already wrapped, so maybe we can expect it sooner? I do believe a second series of Shorsey is also in the works, so who knows what it all means. Maybe I’ll just have to re-binge this great show next year!