Movie Friday!

Yay movie Friday! In the epitome of laziness, right after work yesterday I headed to the nearest dollar theater on my way home to watch back to back movies I never got the chance to see when they initially came out. Those movies included Arctic and Cold Pursuit.

Arctic is probably what you think it’s about. A man, played by Mads Mikkelsen is stranded in the arctic and is set about a daily routine of hunting for food, trying to get a signal, and keeping warm. Once day a helicopter flies in during a storm and crashes. Two passengers die and a young girl is injured. He takes the girl back to his crashed plane shelter to tend to her wounds. Back in the crashed helicopter he finds a map and sees a shelter about two days trek away. After running into several obstacles along the way and when all hope is lost, there is a happy ending! For this movie being only an hour and a half, it felt like it dragged on. Even though I love Mads Mikkelsen, this movie was predictable and I’m glad I waited for this at the dollar theater.

With fifteen minutes in between movies, I grabbed some snacks and then went to watch Cold Pursuit. What a weird film! I got some very serious Fargo season two vibes and I was loving every minute of it! It was honestly so strange and particular that the brief synopsis I give you is going to sound like I’m on acid or something…but here it goes. Liam Neeson’s character is a snowplow driver whose son gets killed and his wife leaves him. After figuring out some drug lords are involved he starts seeking revenge by killing people who work for Viking, the Denver drug lord. Viking thinks that the Kehoe drug lord is the one committing the killings, so he retaliates. All of this culminates in a bloody showdown, and everyone gets their own R.I.P. title card. Throughout there was a wonderful mix of humor and carnage and it was fantastic! If you like Fargo the movie or TV show, I highly recommend seeing this!