Mr. Robot Season 4, Episode 7 “Proxy Authentication Required”

Well, well, well.  It seems like in this last season, Sam Esmail has no problem with pushing his creative boundaries for Mr. Robot into outer space.  And it’s paying off!

Similar to an episode a few weeks ago that only featured two lines of dialogue, this week saw two unique qualities.  One was that it was commercial free (yay!), and the second was that it was split into five “acts” like a play.  The acts coupled with the overly-dramatic music certainly gave the episode a play-like feel.  All the drama was accompanied with crescendos and lightening strikes, while the more serious moments were highlighted with quite, but tense strings.

Starting right where last week left off, we’re in the trunk of the car with Elliot.  And we’re there when he’s brought into Krista’s apartment to finally meet with the “higher-purpose” Vera.  Trying to keep his cool, Elliot listens as Vera rambles on about how he was reborn in prison and knew he needed to come back to New York and rule it with Elliot by his side.  Elliot’s main concern is making sure Krista is still alive, and stay that way.

All in the therapy room together now, Vera is frustrated that Elliot still won’t see the opportunity right in front of him, so he instructs Krista to “break him.”  Rather reluctantly, she eventually starts questioning Elliot about his memory when he jumped out the window.  This “memory” is really only what Darlene has told him, and he’s choosing to believe it.  While Krista’s getting closer to the truth, Mr. Robot is desperately begging Elliot to make it stop.

Elliot, sick of being lied to tells Krista to keep going, to which Mr. Robot replies, “I can’t protect you anymore.”  When she finally gets to asking Elliot if he was afraid of his father, you can see him searching the recesses of his mind as tears begin to well, and when she finally asks if he was sexually molested, Elliot bellows the most heart-breaking “yes.”  So we now have the origin to Mr. Robot’s existence in Elliot’s life, but at a devastating cost. 

Start writing or type / to choose a blockI can’t say I’m sad to see Vera go, but with six episodes left, I’m not quite sure how they’re going to get filled. I honestly hope that Esmail mind-f***’s us with some time travelling nonsense, because then maybe I can get Tyrell back in some episodes. All that being said, I have been noticing all season that the opening credits only feature names of people that are in that specific episode, so there could be hope of some people returning! Just adds more to the secrecy of the season.