New Music – Singles Edition!

Here is a super random round-up of some new singles that dropped recently. Obsessed!

Highly Suspect
“Summertime Voodoo” – Firstly, love the name. I don’t know that I love that it’s seven minutes, but it’s surely a jam. It reminds me the most of Mr. Asylum, but it also sounds very much like the sister song of “Serotonia.” From a very high level it gives off some Western vibes with a really dirty bass guitar sound throughout. Lyrically, from a first listen-through, it seems like a very personal track. Johnny Stevens’ social media also informed me that he hopes what he’s been able to achieve and the messages he gets out there is able to help at least one person. He’s maybe done a bit of oversharing on how this is a return to form for the band, but I’ve never been disappointed in their past works. Oh, well. We are all entitled to our own opinions, I guess.

Dinosaur Pile-Up
“11:11” – Make a wish! How can I not think of that? Either way, I don’t know that that’s entirely what this song is about, but what I do know is that this song is insanely catchy. A few years ago now, my sister and Octane radio made me fans of their single, “Backfoot,” so it was cool to find they weren’t just a one-hit wonder. I was surprised to learn that this song was eight years old after having my sister play it for me for the first time just the other day. Hey, if it holds up, it holds up!

Stray Kids
“Lose My Breath” – I could be wrong, but this might be Stray Kids first fully English song! Though as someone who can appreciate foreign language more now – we don’t need it! I’m sure they feel more natural in their mother tongue and we might get a longer song out of it. Either way, I am happy to see them breaking new ground. While I know this isn’t their first collaboration, I admittedly have no clue where Charlie Puth’s vocals slide into this song, but they all flow really naturally. He doesn’t even make an appearance in the music video, so how am I to know! On a first listen, I wasn’t a huge fan, but this is just as catchy as anything else I’ve liked from them, so it will for sure be in the rotation. I was impressed to hear them nail a live version of it on GMA last week, too!

Empire of the Sun
“Music on the Radio” – Gosh, do I love these guys! I can’t believe we are really getting new music in earnest from this pair of Australian gods after so long. And they really look like they’re having a blast! I mean, this new single is super fun, so they really played up to that sound, but I think this is the start of something amazing. As far as the song goes, the message is a little simplistic but I know I can certainly relate to it. And do you want some more good news? There is a new album coming in July! Be on the lookout for a full review in a few months.