New Music – Singles Edition!

This year just keeps on blessing me with more musical gifts! A new album is on the way for Highly Suspect tomorrow, but I won’t be reviewing that until next week. So let’s see what’s out there!

Bear Hands
“Floor It” – While this second new single is not nearly as catchy as “Intrusive Thoughts,” this still is a really solid song. At the start of the song, I can’t help but think of a safari at first, but once the drum kicks in I couldn’t stop my shoulders from going. Dylan has an incredible falsetto as always, and the guitar in the chorus is truly magical. If two new songs in as many months doesn’t mean there isn’t a new album on the way, I will riot. I hope to hear more details soon! But if it’s for nothing, I suppose I won’t turn my nose up to new songs now and then.

Highly Suspect
“The 8th of October (to August 17th)” – Man, they are really pulling out all the stops for this new album. They don’t give an eff about length and they are just jamming with whatever they want, and I truly think it will be a better album for it. Admittedly, this song is stupid slow for my taste, but there is no denying that Johnny’s voice is superior. The lyrics seem to be leaning toward both heartbreak and gratitude, but he’s determined to make sure this isn’t the worst moment of his life. I’m excited to hear what the full album has to offer, and I really hope we get a full-fledged tour with it soon.

Be:First x ATEEZ
“Hush Hush” – I guess ATEEZ has another Japanese mini album on the way? So what better way to get that out there than by collaborating on a new single with J-pop band, Be:First. I have never heard of these guys, but given that I’ve just gotten into foreign pop of any kind at the start of the year, I’m really not surprised. At a high level, they just don’t stack up to ATEEZ, but that’s unfair since I haven’t listened to any of their other music. In fact, I should be more intrigued, because they obviously have taste, like me. This song does a wonderful job of somehow giving sixteen guys a chance to shine. Incredible. But more than that, this song is unbelievably catchy! I can’t begin to tell you how many times I’ve watched the video this past week. Some would say not enough…anyway, so good!