New Music! Singles Edition.

As 2021 roles along, artists are still offering up new music, and I will take any that I can get. Within reason, of course (here’s looking at you, country music). Here’s some of the latest and greatest!

“No Bad Days” – This might be the most Batille-y song that the band has put out in quite some time. I know I’ve said before that Doom Days let me down, and the couple singles released so far have been so-so. I still think this one will take me a few more listens to really appreciate, but it reminds me of some of their earlier stuff, while still having some newness to it. With the release of this single came two cool things. Firstly, it came with a video that was directed by Bastille’s lead man, Dan Smith! His first effort is pretty well done in my eyes! Secondly, a new album release date! Coming early next year, so I can’t wait for a tour! Other than that, I enjoyed the bit of organ that was present in the song, along with some of the more explicit lyrics. It’s not often I hear a curse make it to one of their tracks, but I’m glad for it.

Miles Kane
“See Ya When I See Ya” – Another Miles Kane single ahead of his new album due in January! Yes, please! This one seems to be almost an entirely seperate genre compared to the other singles released, but it still sounds old school like the others. In comparison though, it’s certainly more mellow, a little more acoustic sounding. Almost like I could lie in the grass with my eyes closed and listen to this. Aside from just getting a new tune, there was also a music video accompanying it! The video itself seemed pretty fun, with Miles in different shots either at his house enjoying tea, or outside playing his guitar. Despite all the rather joyful imagery though, if you pay attention to the lyrics, they’re a little bit sad. Not painfully so, but just sort of what the song title conveys, that it’s been good for what it was, but I’ll see you around.

Lana Del Rey
“Dealer” – Look, typically I am not one to listen to Lana Del Rey. I’ve heard the occasional track on mainstream radio, and while I appreciate her sort of pop star antithesis, she’s just not someone I’ve ever really ever dedicated any time to. Perhaps that will change in the future, but the real reason I gave this song my time is because it involves a lot of people from The Last Shadow Puppets, in both a writing and producing capacity. Even more exciting and unexpected are the vocals provided by one Mr. Miles Kane! Two times the Miles Kane this week? Count me in! As far as the song goes, it sort of reminded me of a “lounge-rock.” Not sure if that’s real, but it’s what I’m going with. Kane really did a majority of the singing off this track, but his voice is a nice complement to Del Rey’s. When she hopped onto the chorus she almost rocked an ugly kind of wail, but it portrayed a desperation and almost a sense of being fed up, which I think was the point of the song lyrically. If I never check any of her other tracks out, at least I got to enjoy this tune.