Roswell, New Mexico – Episodes 9 & 10 Review

I left you hanging after last week’s episode of Roswell, New Mexico, so that just means your going to get double the review right now you lucky ducks!

Last week episodes picks up right off the heels of the prior episode where Sanders was revealed to be Walt from the flashbacks. Throughout the episode he shares a number of things, that he heard about the plan to raid the barn in two days time, Nora helped him escape but not without some shrapnel in his eye, and he was give a map that led to the pods. He checked up on them often and even tried to adopt Michael twice once they were out in the world (cue tears!). Michael is still salty though, because Nora’s job was to protect Louise and “the child” who he assumes is Max, which means his mother died saving Max. I felt like that was a bit of a stretch, personally.

Also in the episode, Kyle and Steph go out on a real date at midnight at the Crashdown Cafe. Unfortunately, it’s a little awkward for a while because Liz is there, but after a small fire, all is well between the two ladies. That doesn’t mean the date is done being awkward. Kyle reveals, per Liz’s advice, that he knows about Steph’s blood disease. She’s furious at him (uh, hello HIPPA violation!), and accuses him of just being her last pity kiss. Liz decides the next day to stealthily snag Steph’s discarded milkshake straw to do some testing on. Just like Max, she’s always trying to save people.

Speaking of Max, he wakes up on the ground by his Jeep with Charlie nowhere to be seen. Sheriff Valenti is also there and arrests him! She thinks he’s responsible for Noah’s murder and the abductions of Maria’s mom and Jenna. She also reveals that he was the misbehaved child at the shelter, which he angrily disregards. Eventually, Isobel and Kyle come to the rescue and Max ends up telling a partial truth by showing her his heart surgery scar.

Alex meets up with his father who tells him about his last encounter with Tripp. He also gave Jesse a map that he shows Alex. When he meets up with Michael later, he discusses his thoughts about Tripp actually protecting Nora and Louise. The raid happened a day early without Tripp’s knowledge, but either way, according to Michael, Tripp failed. Alex’s story is confirmed the next day when they find a photo from Louise behind a brick at the diner. That photo also triggers something in Alex who declares he knows where they need to go next to find some answers. But Alex’s dad is a truly vile human, and is also listening to this conversation. This springs him into (clearly uninjured) action.

Last night’s episode shows the pod-squad along with Alex and Maria going to the reservation where Alex’s mom grew up. There, we meet another (and nicer) Manes brother, and we get some pretty substantial flashbacks. This time, it’s revealed that Max and Isobel aren’t twins at all, and that Isobel had a sister who just happened to be Maria’s great-great grandmother! Max feels confused and more alone than ever with this revelation. Aside from that, I think this will help everyone learn more about Maria’s abilities in future episodes. I also hope we haven’t seen the last of Alex’s brother.

Elsewhere in the episode, Liz is with her dad at the hospital and ends up getting detained by ICE. That was a level of intensity I wasn’t expecting, but it was very well portrayed and hopefully eye-opening for some people. Jenna is luckily able to help, but she also keeps getting hit with debilitating headaches. In comes…Liz’s ex-fiance that she just up and left a year ago! He’s handsome and really nice, and I hope it just gets left at that. Don’t make him a bad guy. He does help get Liz’s dad out of custody and he helps determine that she’s been dosed with some memory-wiping serum. Yikes!

Finally, by episode’s end, Michael and Alex squabble over a spaceship piece that Alex wants to give to his dad to see what he’ll do with it. Michael insults Alex for his optimism, but Alex exclaims that he “doesn’t want to live in that tool-shed forever.” Deep. As is their relationship. I’m very interested to see where the two end up by season’s end, especially since we saw some jealous Michael over Alex and Forest’s interaction at the cafe. I imagine he’ll be more concerned because Alex’s been knocked unconscious and taken by some mysterious figure!