Spider-Man: Far From Home Review

After the intensity that was Avengers: Endgame back in April, I figured Spider-Man: Far From Home would have a hard time sticking the landing with me, but it ended up being a very nice palette cleanser to round out phase three. It shone the spotlight on your neighborhood super hero just trying to live a normal teenage life….well, as normal as it can be after being gone for five years. Coincidentally enough, all of his good friends were also gone, so they all got to go on a summer science trip to Europe together!

Part of the focus of the film was how Peter was dealing with the death of Tony Stark, who was mentioned fairly frequently throughout the film. Peter’s other focus was trying to figure out how to tell MJ how he feels about her on their trip, while his best bud, Ned, was trying to get him to focus on “being a bachelor in Europe.” All of Peter’s intricate plans were almost immediately ruined when giant Earth, Wind, and Fire monsters (Elementals) attacked the places they were visiting.

Peter didn’t have to fight alone, because he’s got these neat glasses with it’s own intelligence system, E.D.I.T.H. (I’ll let you watch the movie to figure out what that stands for), gifted from Tony. There’s also a brand new bad-guy-fighting man named Mysterio (a.k.a Jake Gyllenhaal in a fish bowl helmet). He’s a real nice guy looking to make things right in this dimension after the Elementals destroyed his and took away his family. Peter trusts him, and quite frankly, that backfires in a big way for him. I won’t spoil anything else, but there was plenty of action, CGI, and very funny moments. Also, stay for both end credit scenes – they were my favorite of any Marvel film to date!